In Memoriam

 We give thanks for the following Jesuits who have gone home to God.

Fr. Mark W. Andrews, SJ

September 29, 1952 – November 5, 2020

“Mark was a tremendous listener who had the ability to put people at ease which would allow them to share the ups and downs of their interior life and relationship with the Lord.”

Religious studies teacher at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Ill.; assistant novice director at Loyola House Jesuit Novitiate in Berkley, Mich.; retreat director, superior, and acting director at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, Ill.; spiritual father and vice-superior of Arrupe House at Loyola University Chicago; assistant to the superior of the first studies program at Loyola University Chicago.

Fr. Norman J. Dickson, SJ

December 4, 1936 – November 24, 2020

“Norm was a marvelous storyteller who loved to regale people with his stories.”

Classical language teacher at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland; director of student social services and president of Walsh Jesuit High School in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; director of mission and superior of the Jesuit Community at Loyola Secondary School in Wau, South Sudan; assistant campus minister at the University of Detroit; assistant rector and minister at Hekima College in Nairobi, Kenya; vocation director, provincial assistant for international ministries, and treasurer for the former Detroit Province; pastor of Gesu Parish in Detroit; administrator of St. Mary of the Woods Parish and St. Aloysius Parish in Michigan.

Fr. Karl J. Voelker, SJ

August 10, 1941 – December 8, 2020

“No matter what role he played—pastor, student counselor, retreat director, or minister—Karl cared for a person’s body and soul.”

History and theology teacher and campus minister at Creighton Preparatory School in Omaha; teacher at Campion Jesuit High School in Prairie du Chien, Wisc.; associate pastor and pastor at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Mankato, Minn.; retreat and spiritual director at Cenacle Retreat House in Wayzata, Minn.; pastor at the Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee; minister of the St. Camillus Jesuit Community in Wauwatosa, Wisc.; retreat director at Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington, Ill.

Br. Daniel J. McCullough, SJ

May 28, 1937 – November 11, 2020

“Dan accepted everyone he encountered and, through his understanding and care, helped them to encounter Christ.”

Assistant infirmarian and infirmarian at Colombiere College in Clarkson, Mich.; prefect of health for the former Detroit Province; student counselor and director of the pastoral team at University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy; spiritual case manager and chaplain at Hospice of Southeast Michigan; chaplain and director of pastoral care at Cranbrook Hospice America Home Health Service in Farmington Hills, Mich.

Fr. Robert M. Doran, SJ 

June 20, 1939 – January 21, 2021 

“Always available, always interested in listening to the questions and needs of others, Bob was present in mind, spirit, and enthusiasm for others.” 

Teacher at Creighton Prep in Omaha; director of campus ministry, trustee of the Frederick Crowe literary estate, coordinator of the International Institute for Method in Theology, and theology professor at Marquette University in Milwaukee; theology professor at Creighton University in Omaha; theology professor, director of the Lonergan Research Institute, and trustee of the Bernard Lonergan literary estate at Regis College in Toronto. 

Fr. John D. Mace, SJ 

May 1, 1937 – February 21, 2021 

“John seemed to move easily between different cultures, although he actually worked very hard to adapt to whatever culture to which he was assigned.” 

Philosophy and English teacher at Daegun Seminary in Kwangju, South Korea; assistant director of campus ministry at Marquette University in Milwaukee; master of novices and socius to the superior for the Korean Mission; president of Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea; rector of the Arrupe International Residence in Quezon City, Philippines; superior of the Timor-Leste Independent Region; secretary of the Delegate of the Korean Provincial to the Jesuit Mission in Cambodia, director of scholastics, mission secretary, subminister, and minister of Prieb So in Phnom Penh. 

Fr. Richard J. Murphy, SJ 

December 30, 1929 – February 7, 2021 

“Dick was humble, unpretentious, and always ready to do anything that was needed or asked of him.” 

History and English teacher at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland; associate pastor at Parroquia de Cristo Rey, Juliaca, Peru; psychology and Spanish teacher and student counselor at Saint Ignatius College Prep in Chicago; marriage and family counselor at Catholic Family Consultation Service in Chicago; pastoral theology teacher at Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago; superior of the Holy Family Jesuit Community and the Miguel Pro Jesuit Community in Chicago and the Vatican Observatory Jesuit Community in Tucson, Ariz.; assistant rector of Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Calif.; associate pastor at St. Procopius Church in Chicago; minister of the Taylor Street Jesuit Community in Chicago. 

Fr. James F. Riley, SJ 

July 17, 1945 – January 20, 2021 

“Jim’s keen, analytical mind helped him to understand and express the “heart of the matter” or the core issue at hand.” 

English and Latin teacher, director of admissions, treasurer, special assistant to the president, minister of the community, and superintendent of buildings and maintenance at University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy; socius to the provincial, assistant for retreat ministry, and coordinator of secondary education for the former Detroit Province; vice president of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association; director of Manresa Jesuit Retreat House in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; assistant procurator general of the Society at the Jesuit Curia in Rome; director of Jesuit Retreat Center in Parma, Ohio; assistant and consultor to the provincial regarding canonical matters in Chicago; special assistant to the president and superior of the community at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland. 

Br. Robert E. Smith, SJ

August 20, 1928 – November 24, 2020

“Bob was a quiet, steady man who liked to work with his hands—a good Jesuit and a good community member.”

Maintenance staff at Holy Rosary Mission on the Pine Ridge Reservation in S.Dak.; director of buildings and grounds at SCOLA in McClelland, Iowa.

Fr. Edward L. Pigott, SJ

August 28, 1937 – December 27, 2020

“Ed found joy playing bridge, celebrating weddings and baptisms for former students, and encouraging others.”

Latin teacher at Saint Ignatius College Prep in Chicago; student counselor, religion teacher, and campus minister at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati.

Fr. James V. Lewis, SJ

December 22, 1935 – January 14, 2021

“Jim enjoyed life, almost always wore a smile on his face, and he frequently kidded people.”

English, theology, and math teacher, student counselor, faculty chaplain, and director of the Spirituality Program for Adults at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland; math and theology teacher at St. John’s Jesuit High School and Academy and rector of St. John’s Jesuit Community in Toledo, Ohio; associate pastor at Gesu Church in Toledo, Ohio; minister at Jesuit Retreat Center in Parma, Ohio. 

Fr. Eugene M. Dutkiewicz, SJ 

June 4, 1931 – January 24, 2021 

“Dutch was not a man of many words, but he was a great companion to many because he truly cared about and listened to others.” 

Chemistry and math teacher and assistant principal at Campion High School in Prairie du Chien, Wisc.; math teacher and principal at Creighton Preparatory School in Omaha; minister of the Weston Jesuit Community in Cambridge, Mass.; socius, treasurer, provincial assistant for finance, pastoral ministry, and retreat ministry for the former Wisconsin Province; superior and revisor of province houses and works at St. Camillus Jesuit Community in Wauwatosa, Wisc. 

To read the full obituaries of Jesuits who have gone home to God, visit us at