Letter from the Provincial

Dear Friends,

At a Mass in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on June 10, 2023, the Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, received the Ordination vows of six of our Jesuits.

Bishop Malesic’s homily message has stayed with me since then. In fact, I paraphrased a part of his message in my remarks at the end of the Mass, reminding the new priests, “The church needs men who know Jesus Christ, who are his companions. The church needs men who love, who are merciful, and who are kind. You are those men.”

It is a wonderful summation of the reasons these men–and all who are called to Catholic religious life– hear and follow the call. To live as a companion of Jesus is a commitment to justice and mercy, loving and serving others. It is my joy and privilege as provincial to present in these pages Jesuits who have, after more than 10 years of formation, fully answered their call to the priesthood. I invite you to read about them, look at the beautiful photos of the Mass, and join me in prayer that they may have long, fruitful lives of service to God’s people.

As our new priests achieve a milestone in their formation, we draw a parallel by celebrating Jesuit Jubilarians (page 20) marking 50 years in the Society of Jesus. Each of them was sent forth many years ago with the hope of long and meaningful service; those hopes have been realized many times over. I’m sure you’ll enjoy, as I did, reading the reflections of our Jubilarians as they look back on lives well lived.

Milestones are also useful in appreciating the life of a ministry. In this issue we look at significant anniversaries of several of our well known works. Whether it’s 10, 25, 125 or 175 years, each of them is a testament to faith-filled people walking together, caring for each other.

And even as we celebrate the birth and life of ministries, it’s worth noting that sometimes the life of a ministry comes to an end, as was the case with the Kentucky Jesuit Mission after 40 years (page 5). We know the good that was done in Kentucky carries on in the lives of the people that we served, and in the hearts and memories of the Jesuits who lived there.

Finally, I hope you’ll join me on a brief pilgrimage to the Holy Land (page 19). I was blessed recently to be there for a few days with some of my Jesuit brothers, and although I had been there before, I was able to see it this time in a new and different way. I hope my experience will encourage you to visit these holy sites, virtually or in person, and that you’ll come away renewed, as I did.

Yours in Christ,

V. Rev. Karl J. Kiser, SJ
Provincial, USA Midwest Jesuits

Left To Right: Fr. Daniel J. Dixon, SJ; Fr. Damian G. Torres-Botello, SJ; Fr. Aaron W. Pierre, SJ; the Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic, bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland; the Very Reverend Karl J. Kiser, SJ, provincial of the Midwest province; Fr. Daniel J. Kennedy, SJ; Fr. Nicholas A. Albin, SJ; and Fr. Andrea Bianchini, SJ, at the Ordination Mass on Saturday, June 10, 2023.