Taylr Bahr

Burlington, Kansas

Taylr attended Creighton University, where he studied economics, social entrepreneurship, and philosophy. While studying at Creighton, he was introduced to the Jesuits and Ignatian spirituality. After graduation, Taylr completed a year of service through the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, working with the aging at a regional nonprofit in Scranton, Pennsylvania. In his free time, Taylr enjoys running, reading, getting to know older adults and spending time with loved ones.

Jonathan Herrington

Davenport, Iowa

Jon grew up throughout the Midwest, primarily in Fargo, North Dakota, and Davenport, Iowa. He first met the Jesuits at CreightonUniversity, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in theology, philosophy and classical languages. During his time at Creighton, he was able to work alongside the Society of Jesus at St. John’s Parish. In his free time, Jon likes reading, cooking meals for his friends and discovering new music.

Christopher Kinkor

West Des Moines, Iowa

Chris attended Creighton University, where he studied economics and human resource management. He worked in health care IT for six years in Kansas City, Missouri. Chris became familiar with the Society of Jesus through his relationships with Jesuits at Creighton and at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Kansas City. He likes walking, spending time with friends, and listening to music and podcasts.

Timothy Long

Barberton, Ohio

Tim first encountered the Jesuits when he read “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything” by Fr. James Martin, SJ, in high school, which was very formative for his faith. He earned a bachelor’s degree in humanities from Villanova University and received his master of divinity degree from the University of Notre Dame, where he also served as an assistant rector in a residence hall and spent time with the Catholic Worker community of South Bend. Tim likes to run, read and bake.

Robert Nichols

Louisville, Kentucky

Bobby first encountered the Jesuits at Xavier University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in theology. After graduation, he returned to Louisville and taught theology and was associate director of campus ministry at his high school alma mater for six years. He then pursued a master’s degree in ministry and theology from Villanova University and most recently served as the rector of Keenan Hall at the University of Notre Dame. An avid walker, Bobby has walked the Camino de Santiago twice.

Joseph Ripple

Brookfield, Wisconsin

Joe graduated from Marquette University High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Marquette University and a master’s ifinance from the University of Virginia. He worked in consulting for five years before getting his MBA from the University of Michigan, and then he worked in finance and operations at Tesla in San Francisco. Joe’s passion is making a social impact in the developing world, and he founded a social enterprise in 2018 with partners in Rwanda, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

Noah Smith

Des Moines, Iowa

Noah attended Marquette University, where he majored in English literature and theology. He worked as a writing tutor and as a content creator for the Jesuit-run Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network in Milwaukee. He first encountered the Society of Jesus through his Jesuit professors at Marquette and subsequently through his work and participating in retreats through campus ministry. In his free time, Noah enjoys reading, watching Spanish Netflix series and running.

Aidan Stenson

El Segundo, California

Aidan attended the University of Chicago, where he received a bachelor’s degree in fundamentals: issues and texts. He began discerning a vocation with the Jesuits while at the University of Chicago, through the example of the late Fr. Paul Mankowski, SJ. During his time in college, Aidan was active in campus ministry at Calvert House and worked as a teaching assistant in the German department. His interests include baseball, rugby, playing music and reading.

Mark Trombley

Troy, Michigan

Mark is an alumnus of University of Detroit Jesuit High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Michigan and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He worked in the health care, pharma and health tech industries in California, the Netherlands and London. Mark was an active member of Christian Life Communities for more than 15 years. He has been inspired by incredible Jesuits and is deeply drawn to Ignatian spirituality.


Tijmen van der Maas

Leiden, Netherlands

Tijmen got to know the Jesuits while completing bachelor’s degrees in business and in political science and philosophy at Indiana University. He was attracted to religious life by the example of his Dominican pastor and to the Jesuits after reading The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by Fr. James Martin, SJ. Tijmen worked as a consultant in London and spent a summer working on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He is a certified bartender and canoe guide.



Photo: Courtesy of Xavier University


Fr. Eric Immel, SJ, lifts Xavier University sophomore Rocco Giegerich and his Xavier flag this summer at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal.