Fr. Damian G. Torres-Botello, SJ

Fr. Damian G. Torres-Botello, SJ

  • Born: July 15, 1978

  • Entered Society: August 25, 2012

  • As a Jesuit: Father Torres-Botello was a founding member, and remains a member, of the Jesuit Antiracism Sodality leadership team; worked with the Detroit Mercy Theatre Company during regency; saw God’s hand in how he was loved, cared for and accompanied by the Jesuits when his mother passed away in 2014.

  • Assignment Following Ordination: Father Torres-Botelli will serve as parochial vicar of Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University in Cincinnati.

Throughout my formation, I held this quote from St. Francis de Sales close to my heart: “Be who you are and be that well. So that you may bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork you are.”

I LOVE seeing people offering their talents to the world. By this I mean, people who sing, dance, play instruments, paint, take photos. Whether professionally or amateurly, or even badly, the bravery and audacity and hope it brings to see someone step out into the world in such a way brings me so much joy! Witnessing people open their hearts through their talents, showing a part of themselves in such a way is so vulnerable, and that is amazing to see. It excites me and it ignites my heart.

It’s no surprise that education is a huge part of the Jesuit identity. I entered with one bachelor’s degree in theatre from a small school not many have heard of: Saint Mary College (now University of Saint Mary) in Leavenworth, Kansas. And now I carry two more higher-level degrees than when I entered. Let me tell you, it was a struggle getting those degrees! But here’s the thing: In my Jesuit academic journey I discovered spiritual direction, a ministry that accompanies people in their spiritual life. I had no idea where I would go in my Jesuit vocation, I still don’t, but I didn’t realize that I would find something that fits me, that taps into my personality, my strengths and parts of my own identity. In all of the challenges I faced in my education, a seemingly simple act of listening to others talk about their burgeoning relationship with God is somewhere I never thought this vocation would take me.

Large photo by: Steve Donisch
Inset photo by: Steve Donisch