Fr. Paul J. Shelton, SJ

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio
School attended: Marquette University
Ministry: Provincial assistant for vocations at USA Midwest Jesuits
Entrance to Society of Jesus: August 23, 2003
Ordination: June 7, 2014
Final vows: April 7, 2024

Father Shelton professed his final vows to Father General Arturo Sosa, SJ, in the presence of many senior Jesuits, some of whom had taught Fr. Shelton at Marquette University and influenced his decision to join the Society of Jesus. Father Shelton described a profound sense of serenity and peace settling over him during the ceremony. It was confirmation of his path, a feeling of being exactly where he was meant to be. Midwest Jesuits intern Clarrisa Silen asked him a few questions about final vows.

What are final vows?

Final vows in the Society of Jesus mark the culmination of a long journey of formation. After completing tertianship, a period of intense spiritual renewal, the Society of Jesus formally invites the individual to profess his final vows, making his full integration into the Jesuit community. This invitation recognizes the Jesuit’s commitment to the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, as well as the unique Jesuit vow of special obedience to the pope in matters of mission. The invitation to pronounce final vows signifies the Society’s recognition of the individual as a fully integrated member, ready to serve wherever there might be a need.

Who makes the invitation?

The decision to invite a Jesuit to profess final vows involves a thorough assessment. The Society of Jesus gathers feedback from fellow Jesuits and individuals with whom the candidate has worked. This information is carefully considered alongside prayerful reflection to determine if the individual possesses the necessary qualities for full integration into the Society.

Are final vows required?

Final vows are not mandatory. Individuals can live and serve as Jesuits without making this solemn commitment. However, final vows signify a deep mutual commitment between the Society and the individual.


Photo: Steve Donisch


The 2024 ordinands at Church of the Gesu on the campus of Marquette University.