Fr. Christopher E. Alt, SJ

Fr. Christopher E. Alt, SJ

Entered Society: August 20, 2016

As a Jesuit: Father Alt ministered in the New York City prison system; counseled students at Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory in Chicago; and served as a deacon and choir member at St. Benedict’s in Oakland, California.

Assignment Following Ordination: Father Alt will serve as priest in solidum at Gesu Catholic Church, Ss. Peter & Paul Jesuit Church and Sacred Heart Catholic Church, along with clinical social work practice, in Detroit.

I owe special thanks to the Jesuits at Boston College for educating me in the Ignatian tradition and encouraging me to consider religious life. While there, I forged meaningful connections with various individuals, including Fr. Jayme Stayer, SJ, whose friendship has been especially impactful.

My sincere appreciation to the Society for leading me closer to Jesus, teaching me to take the world into my arms as Christ did, and to live in amazement. Freedom—becoming something particular and real—is found on the other side of commitment, as they say, and choosing religious life has made me a more authentic pilgrim on the journey, not a mere passerby. To my Jesuit brothers and all our benefactors, a heartfelt thank you.

My profound gratitude, also, to the many friends, colleagues, and faith communities who have shown me the essence of genuine friendship. To those in Oshkosh, San Diego, Boston, Cleveland, and Chicago – your generosity and care have sustained me. I’ve loved our shared experiences and conversations, the music, laughter and time spent together. Ad multos annos.

Finally, a message to my family, the Alt-Buttke-Gelhar clan, and especially my parents, Ed and Mary: The path to this moment has been long, and I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support and patience each step of the way. To be a priest is to gather and welcome all people, humbly serve, and joyfully celebrate the sacraments. Your lives have been shining examples of service, and my earliest encounters with God were through you—my first sacraments of God’s love. Thank you and I love you. The time has arrived. How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me? “I lower my gaze, and let the wonder in.”

Large photo by: Art Montes
Inset photos by: Steve Donisch


Photo: Steve Donisch


The 2024 ordinands at Church of the Gesu on the campus of Marquette University.