Fr. Patrick O. Hyland, SJ

Fr. Patrick O. Hyland, SJ

Entered Society: August 24, 2013

As a Jesuit: Father Hyland taught and coached at Christ the King Jesuit College Prep in Chicago; and studied theology at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana and Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid.

Assignment Following Ordination: Father Hyland will serve as special assistant to the president at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland.

Teachers are the first people I think of to thank, and my understanding of a “teacher” goes beyond the walls of any classroom. Certainly, my parents were my first teachers in the faith. My older brothers were not far behind. I thank the Jesuits I have lived with, some in formation, who were—and still are—far wiser than me. I appreciate family and friends who have sent messages of encouragement, expressing care for me through their curiosity and honest questions. Folks who allowed me to accompany them through spiritual direction provided the education, growth and formation a classroom cannot provide. Of course, so many of these experiences since entering the Novitiate were made possible through the generosity of benefactors.

There were several Jesuits who contributed to my initial call back when I was a senior at Boston College. I did not know that the application process typically takes about a year. It was only then that I started seeing a spiritual director, who ended up being a Jesuit I first met in high school at Saint Ignatius in Cleveland. I am convinced that no one person brings someone to the Jesuits, other than Jesus. Several relationships were needed to reveal to me just how human Jesuits are, and how through that humanity, God speaks. I have always been challenged by the gentleness of Jesuits. It would be convenient to look at the world and simplify complex situations and realities, but that is not the Jesuit way. Jesuits take their time. This thoroughness has proven a great challenge to my impatience. Jesuits also feel called to the frontiers, which stretches the boundaries that I know at least I am tempted to make.

Large photo by: Art Montes
Inset photos by: Steve Donisch


Photo: Steve Donisch


The 2024 ordinands at Church of the Gesu on the campus of Marquette University.